[Arte Numérica]

Arte Numérica > Inspiration


We intend to list here some of those from whose work we have been learning and getting inspiration. This does not mean that we revere them as "super-human" or infallible, or, for example, that we always prefer (or are even capable of using) the techniques they favor. It is also inevitably unfair to list only a few (already widely celebrated) names, since the ideas, ideals and work of each one of them are always part of something involving much more people worldwide, many of them still "unsung heroes". This list of names can never be more than a tiny sample of great scholars and craftsmen in a few fields relevant to our work. Most of what we could say about them has already been better expressed by someone else, therefore we prefer to refer to further info and mainly reproduce some of their own words, better than any comment we could make.

We start with Donald Knuth and Edward Tufte, but others like Jan Tschichold, Robert Bringhurst and Donald Norman will also be mentioned in more detail soon.

Donald Knuth
The title of a paper by Eric Weiss sums up nicely the high regard for the work of Donald Knuth among computing practitioners: "In the art of programming, Knuth is first; there is no second".
Edward Tufte
We consider Tufte's works on information presentation recommended reading for all WWW developers, and, in fact, for anyone else more than casually involved in some form of data presentation.